Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Downtown Developments

Today during Golden Hour SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) is bringing the developers for the new downtown renovation plans to campus. They will be here collecting student feedback and learning what students want in a revitalized downtown area. Some ideas for the renovated downtown include pedestrian spaces, changes in types of businesses, and aesthetic improvements. They want to create a Pedestrian walkway leading from campus to the downtown area, offer restaurants serving organic and locally-grown food, changes to the arrangement of City Hall, improving appearance of downtown buildings, adding more parking, and much much more! These changes will be taking place in the next five to ten years, so to be at the start of this program is very exciting!
After I attend the Golden Hour from 11:15-12:25, I have lab from 1-4 p.m., then volleyball and lifting, and then a S.M.A.C. meeting at 8 p.m. It should be a busy but exciting day!


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